Town Lines and Perambulation

The following is from "The History of New Durham, New Hampshire" by Ellen Cloutman Jennings:

The original area, six miles square, in the shape of a rhomoid running north and south, was marked into two divisions having 100 lots in each. The lots in the first division were to be on hundres acres each; those in the second division idntically numbered, to have " all land belonging to each share repectively." The lots should be laid out as equally as possible; the highway between the ranges four rods wide and those between the lots, two rods wide. In the spring of 1750, the land was surveyed a plan or map of numbered lots was drawn up.   

In 1762, the residents felt that it was time to put in a request to the royal government for recongnaition on the form of a charter which would authorize them to have a town government of their own. Accordingly, this charter was granted with the permission of King George III, and signed by Governor Benning Wentworth of the Province of New Hampshire on December 7, 1762.

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